Monday, July 4, 2011

Is anyone sick of director Michael Bay's brand of humor?

I haven't seen Transformers 3; I will probably watch it eventually.
But if it has the same type of humor as in the first two movies, then
I would be quite disappointed.

To give you an example of how tasteless Bay's "humor" is, remember the
scene at the beginning of Transformers 2. Shia's mother was visiting
her son in the college premises, stoned- high on pot. Then she
tackled a male student.......... I'm sorry but how is that funny?

Another example. In part 1, when the 'men in black' guys arrested
Shia's character and his girlfriend, they also took the little dog,
and they collared it like it was some kind of big vicious dog when in
fact it was a chihuahua or something. Was that supposed to be funny
as well?

And please don't blame it on the writer, I'm pretty sure Bay had a
hand in writing those idiotic 'humorous' scenes. How do I know?
Because all of Bay's films have that kind of corny, juvenile,
tasteless humor. Remember the rats having sex like humans in Bad Boys
2? I rest my case.

So Michael, if you're reading this, stick to your action scenes and
explosions. PLEASE.

Thanks for reading guys.

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